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Zarja | Feminine WordPress Blog Theme

Zarja is a modern WordPress blog theme emphasizing a feminine touch.

This responsive design service offers unlimited colors, an integrated Instagram feed, cool animation effects, and tons of Google web fonts that will give your website a unique look.

A bright and attractive design with beautiful colors will make your writing stand out and showcase your excellent photography.

Important Note

Before updating the theme, go to the theme options under the Backup tab and copy the contents of the transfer file. After updating the theme, go to the theme options under the Backup tab and replace the upload panel with your backup. After that, click on Import and save theme options.

If you don't, you will lose all theme options!!!

Key Features:

💧Contains all of the blocks or none

💧Revolution Slider integrated

💧A detailed written help file is included

💧The Instagram Feed option is offered

💧Unlimited colors & fonts are available

💧Provides integration with various content types

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